
Greg White is one of the most sought after educational motivational speakers in the country.
Greg brings great knowledge, great enthusiasm as well as tremendous entertainment value to each crowd. His goal is to energize, inspire and educate. As a success trainer, he has delivered THE WINNING EDGE motivational presentation for 3,000 universities, colleges, schools and youth organizations while traveling the world impacting the personal and professional lives of his clients.

"To be GREAT and achieve YOUR own success in life, YOU must begin YOUR journey with an UNSHAKABLE confidence in YOUR own abilities. Whether others believe in YOU or not, YOU must believe in YOU!!! No one, I mean NO ONE, can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent … YOUR destiny will not be determined by circumstances or the opinions of others; YOUR destiny will be determined solely by YOUR own analysis of YOURSELF and what YOU believe YOU can do. GREAT people have chosen to ignore the naysayers and instead they buy into GOD’S view of them! What do YOU believe? YOUR brain is the GREATEST computer that WILL EVER BE CREATED! USE it, SHARPEN it, FEED it with POSITIVE THOUGHTS and create the world YOU want. THINK BIG!! AND WHEN YOU GET TIRED, THINK BIGGER.
~Greg White
In the educational market,
Greg has delivered THE WINNING EDGE programs as a very popular and frequent speaker at colleges and universities all over the United States. He has spoken at UCLA, University of Kentucky, Ohio State University, University of Louisville, University of Alabama, Kansas State University, University of Tennessee, University of Notre Dame, Iowa State University, Anderson University, Georgetown University, Georgia State University, University of Virginia, University of Denver, Marshall University, University of Charleston, Clemson University, Mount Saint Mary's University, University of South Carolina, UNC Wilmington University, University of Maryland, Catholic University of America, Wake Forrest University, Virginia Tech, University of Arizona, Villanova University, Arizona State University, Louisiana State University, University of Kansas, University of Arkansas, University of Montana, University of Utah, University of Wyoming, University of Michigan, University of Maine, Marietta College, Bethany College, University of Rio Grande, Principia College, Berea College, California State San Marcos, State College of New York and hundreds more.
Additionally, Greg has spoken at hundreds of K-12 school systems (high schools, junior high schools, grade schools) and prep schools sharing THE WINNING EDGE educational program covering listening, academic excellence, goal setting, saying no to drugs and alcohol, bullying, social media discipline and much more.
Greg's presentation can be adjusted per the client's needs.
These topics can include the following:
Making Good Choices
Dressing for Success
Dealing with Change
Social Media
Service to Others
Positive Peer Relationships
Achievement Motivation
Bonding to School
Equality and Social Justice
Planning and Decision Making
Interpersonal Competence
Cultural Competence
Resistance Skills
Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Personal Power
Sense of Purpose
Positive View of Personal Future
Greg is
the ideal Educational Speaker for:
Keynote Speeches
Team Building
Any General Student Population
Student-Athletes at Any Level
Athletic Departments
Sports Banquets
Athletic Fundraising
Board of Education
Life Skills Coordinators
Commencement Ceremonies
Coaches and Their Staff
Faculty and Staff
Greek Life Events
The Winning Edge Programs For Education
Greg's programs focus on Goal Setting, Peak Performance, Selling, and all personal qualities directly related to success and high-level achievement.
Success - Mastering the 5 C's | Guide to Successful Goal Setting
Becoming a Master Networker | Thriving in the Midst of Change
Winning with a Positive Attitude
Every Dream Has Potential!
But not without an action plan to make the dream a reality. No matter how much you've done, there is so much more to learn and do. Keep Striving to Get Better. The goal has be to Excellence!

PERSONAL EXCELLENCE is without question the most important intangible asset that you can acquire. Achieving personal excellence in your business, industry and personal life requires lifelong dedication. But, once you are able to elevate into to top 10% of your field you will be one of the highest-paid people in the country.
This will bring the utmost respect to all the people around you. You will be able to live the life that you want and enjoy high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride. It will also allow you to network with others who have risen to a similar status. This will allow for additional opportunities in business and your social life!
Everyone can acquire three forms of INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL. These require an investment of study, modeling, and hard work but pay off in higher income for the rest of your life.
The first type of INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL you can acquire consists of your core knowledge, skills, and abilities. These are a result of your education, experience, and training. They determine how well you do your job and the value of your contribution to your business.
The second form of INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL that you can possess is your knowledge of how your business operates internally, in comparison to that of your competitors or any other business.
Each business develops a series of systems, procedures, methods, techniques, and strategies to market, sell, produce, deliver products and services, and satisfy customers. Each business has internal systems of accounting, administration, and financial controls. These systems take many years to develop and considerable time for a new person to learn. A person who knows and understands these systems intimately has a form of intellectual capital that is hard to replace.
The third type of INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL that you can possess, and it’s perhaps the key contributor to your earning ability, is your knowledge and understanding of how to get financial results in a competitive market. This includes your knowledge of your products and services and how to sell them.
This includes your knowledge of customers and suppliers and how to deal with them. It embraces your familiarity with bankers, lawyers, accountants, and government officials and how to interact with them effectively. This form of intellectual capital may take years to build and is extremely valuable to your organization.
You do this by continually increasing your INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, by upgrading your ability to do your job, by becoming a valuable part of the organization and getting more and better financial results for your organization.
SUCCESS - MASTERING THE 5 C's (Our most popular program)
"To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour."
~Winston Churchill
Become a high school graduate, become a college graduate!!!
There are 5,300 colleges and universities in the American Higher Education System everything from Harvard to technical and trade schools. A college degree holds a much higher prestige than a high school diploma. And the numbers speak for themselves. A typical college graduate earns $900,000 - $1,000,000 more than a typical high school graduate over the course of their lifetime. Colleges and universities are still the best, most direct way to a great career that pays well. The degree options are limitless. A college degree has never been more important for many reasons including financial, job stability, career satisfaction, and success outside the workplace with more and more occupations requiring advanced education. Although a Bachelor's degree is great, employees are rewarded more by adding a Master's or Doctorate degree to their qualifications. Along with these advanced degrees come much more prestige, a bigger title, and a bigger office. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH MORE EDUCATION!
Greg’s 5 C's:
1) COMMUNICATION – Being positive, great energy and enthusiasm.
A. LISTENING - Greatest skill in the history of the world.
B. Being able to successfully convey your thoughts and ideas to others.
2) COSTUME – Develop insatiable pride in your appearance. Dressing for success regardless of your profession. You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Hair cut, shoeshine, looking sharp. Better to be overdressed, than underdressed. Positive body language. Office neat, living environment neat, car neat, etc.
3) CHARACTER – Integrity, spirituality. Your character has to shine through during the storm – adversity. Being able to handle adversity. Constantly striving to improve upon your character.
4) CHALLENGE – Setting big goals - Develop an action plan to make your dreams come true. Having big dreams and not giving in to negative thoughts. Steer clear of dream killers.
5) CHOICE – Is the single most important word in the dictionary. You are two things 24 hours a day: 1) the five people you surround yourself with, and; 2) all of the little decisions you make from the time you get up until the time you go to bed.
Problems, our only common denominator.
God gives us all the ability to love, plan, think and create.
Everything we do in life is built around self-image.
Largest room in the world is "room for improvement".
People business, you must be skilled in.
Dream killers, drugs, alcohol, negative friends and bad influences.
Being present every day, every time, without FAIL, no exceptions...
Being on time, where time is involved, if you are not early then you're late.
You are the five people you hang around with.
Accountability, take responsibility for your attitude and actions.
Teamwork, become a positive part of the team.
Game of Life, being a winner and playing the hand you've been dealt.
Appreciation, attitude of gratitude.
Greg's Success Ship
The “SUCCESS SHIP” epitomizes what I have tried to be about during my professional career. The GAME OF LIFE is the most difficult game any of us will ever play in. There are no time-outs or substitutions. You're calling the signals and you have four awesome teammates: Faith, Courage, Loyalty and Dedication. You should work hard the develop the SUCCESS SHIP’s “ULTIMATE SUCCESS QUALITIES” and challenge yourself to constantly achieve at your highest levels. Handle your adversity and make it fertilizer for your next success. The GOAL has to be EXCELLENCE!!! Become the best YOU possible!!!!
"A person's worth is no greater than the worth of their ambition
and purpose."
~Marcus Rurelius
Goal setting can provide numerous personal and professional advantages; however, many of us fail to take advantage of this tool. Without goal setting, it can be difficult to attain your desires. It is far too easy to become distracted and sidetracked by outside forces. Goal setting gives you the discipline and control you need to harness your desires and use them to motivate yourself. With sharp, clearly defined goals you gain the ability to measure and take pride in what you have accomplished. By being able to take stock of all the hard work you have put into something, you can see the results of that work, which also serves to increase your self-confidence.
Decide what you want in life. Make a decision that comes from deep inside you. This means getting to know yourself. Identify the things you do well and the things you enjoy doing. Get familiar with the way you respond to your environment and why you respond that way. Learn where you are strong and play to your strengths. When you have defined yourself, you can also define the success you want – and you can begin the journey toward your dreams.
It is one thing to decide what you want. It is another thing to make a commitment. A commitment is like your signature on a contract. Your signature binds you to a course of action. When you make a deep commitment to a goal, powerful forces come into play, propelling you toward that goal. The power comes from within you. It is there, and you may not even know it!
Here is where one three-letter word separates losers from winners. That word is HOW. Losers ask, “Can I do it?” Winners ask “How can I do it?” Losers are guided by what’s impossible. They see barriers and they stop in their tracks. Winners are guided by what’s possible. They see possibilities and then build upon them. By devising a strategy one possibility at a time, they achieve their goals.
Once you know where you want to go, your next step is to prepare yourself for the journey. Preparation involves acquiring the physical, mental/emotional, social and spiritual balance you will need to keep yourself on course, and the motivation to provide you with the energy to carry it out.
Executing your life’s plan involves three phases: 1) Action; 2) Learning; and 3) Applying. A good coach knows that a brilliant game plan is no good without proper execution. The team has to act upon the plan. It is the same with your success plan. It is not enough to simply have one. You have to implement it through positive action. Coupled with the action must be a learning process that allows you to profit from your inevitable mistakes. We never know whether a specific action will be successful until we have tried it. Once we have tried it, we can observe the results, learning what works and what doesn’t. Winners expect to make mistakes, but they use them as lessons. They apply what they learn toward implementation of the plan.
When you have achieved the last goal in your action plan, don’t stop. Your life is not at an end. You are at a new beginning – unless you plan to die as soon as your vision is fulfilled. Successful people know that life is a continuously unfolding process, and they remain in control of the unfolding. When they reach that long-sought plateau, they immediately create their next vision. They move on to new plateaus, making new decisions and new commitments, planning, preparing and executing until the new vision is achieved. Success builds upon success.
“Your smile is your logo. Personality is your business card and,
how you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes
your trademark.”
There are five different networking groups:
1) CASUAL CONTACT NETWORKS: Social, company events.
2) KNOWLEDGE NETWORKS: Professional associations.
3) STRONG CONTACT NETWORKS: Groups that meet to help build professional relationships.
4) ONLINE NETWORKS: Social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc).
5) CONNECTOR NETWORKS: Individuals that connect you to powerful people.
Genuinely enjoys connecting people.
Remember, the most powerful people are the hardest to reach. Usually, the harder something is, the more valuable it is. To reach the top you must know influential people; however, the most powerful people understand the power of connection because they needed help and received help to assist them in reaching their current position and power level.
As a powerful networker, you should have relationships in and out of your industry. Sometimes your most valuable connections are people who are in different industries. It opens up your new opportunities and builds your varied social capital. I have found that my networking outside of my profession has come back to help me countless times.
Once you have developed a strong contact, you must establish a system of compiling your contact information (cell numbers, e-mail address, social media, etc). You must then establish a way to stay in constant contact. The more you stay in touch with them, the stronger the relationship becomes.
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do."
~Steve Jobs
Some people cling desperately to the past. They hang on to what’s familiar, snuggling ever deeper into their comfortable routines to avoid the chilling thought that they might have to change. Someone said, “No organization is so screwed up that somebody doesn’t like it as it is.” Change always means giving up something, and the greater the personal sacrifice, the more you feel like dragging your feet.
Another reason why people defend the old way of doing things is to maintain personal stability or feel more in control. They battle against change out of fear of the future, not because of love for the past. If uncertainty and ambiguity eat on your nerves, you can’t get very pumped up about “progress.” The more you dislike unpredictability, the more you’re likely to protect the status quo.
A third group of people resists change as a way of getting even. They play “punish the organization” in retaliation for changes they don’t like. We’re talking about plain old revenge. And the fascinating thing is to watch how people are willing to damage themselves just to get back at the organization.
Finally, some change resisters are well-intentioned people who think they see their outfit about to make a mistake, and have the courage to try and stop it. They fight change because they (1) have the organization’s best interests at heart, and (2) have enough nerve to take a stand. But frankly, these people with good intentions often happen to be wrong. In trying to save the organization, they shoot it in the foot.
When the winds of change hit your organization, here’s the bottom line: Resisting does more harm than good. To begin with, you could get nailed for being oppositional – someone may accuse you of causing trouble, getting in the way of progress. That easily damages your career.
Second, resisting change takes effort, and you can find more productive ways to spend your energy.
Besides, you’re probably going to lose the battle anyway. Even if you do win a skirmish now and then, you’re going to lose the war.
Instead of trying to hang on to the past, grab hold of the future.
"Attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."
~Charles Swindoll
Life does not always go as planned. There are times when we win, and there are times when we lose, whatever the situation. We need to remain positive, not only when things go right but also when things go wrong. Having a positive attitude is not just saying positive words to cover your negative feelings. It means believing that things will work out in the end.
Life is never easy. Sometimes people take life for granted and talk about it as if it should be easy, but there will always be problems and difficulties. It is through difficulties that we grow and mature. During difficult times, it is our nature to feel frustrated and negative. But difficult times always pass away, and good times always come back. If we are to attain any form of success, we need to change our negative thoughts and attitudes to positive ones during these challenging times.
Our attitude is cyclical. Once we have a positive attitude, the cycle gets activated, and it results in your having a better attitude than you started off with.
The cycle has three main components:
1) Our Attitude: On a daily basis, our thoughts and perceptions form our attitude. Our attitude is not something that comes to us. We create it with the thoughts that we have and the perceptions that we have. Based on our thoughts and perceptions, we have feelings. These feelings form our attitude. Thoughts and perceptions are completely within our control.
2) Results: Based on our attitude, we influence the results that we get. The relationships that we have will be more positive, thereby adding value to relationships with peers and friends. Also, when you have a positive attitude, you find the motivation and energy to accomplish much more. Motivation is a key ingredient to getting things done. As humans, we can’t do anything that we are not motivated to do.
3) Environment: When your results are bad, your relationships tend to suffer and make your environment a less pleasant place. For example, when you can’t deliver results and have unsatisfactory pay, you will have financial difficulties. This might cause problems to your family life because you can’t do what you like to do (such as going on vacation), thereby making your environment at home a bad place. Your environment in turn feeds your attitude, making you feel worse.
Select Educational Clients

Global Reach,
Global Message
Greg has spoken, played or coached basketball in every state in the union and cities all over the world. In the corporate market, Greg speaks to Fortune 500 companies, ranging from Mercedes to BMW to Subway. In the educational markets, Greg has spoken to hundreds of K-12 school systems and university crowds, from UCLA to Kansas State to University of South Carolina, bringing his uplifting and informative message to every group imaginable.
Greg's Customization Promise
Greg’s “Winning Edge” programs are customized for each meeting or event’s objective. Greg does extensive research and planning well before the event to ensure relevance to his message. Greg also schedules a final call with event planners to make sure all of the details associated with the event are confirmed and accurate.